Minggu, 09 September 2007

Woman not always have to be Beautiful all d times ;)

I just want to say that alot of times, women get alot of peer pressure from society, like d way we live our life.

For examples: dilarang kentut di mana2, dilarang teurap (burp) di depan orang laen, dilarang makan banyak2 kaya kuli, duduk ga boleh ngegang, badan harus langsing singset, nguap ga bole gede-gede kalo perlu ditutupin tangan, ketawa kudu diatur, n beungeut oge kudu dijaga..

Foto di samping ini cuman mao ngasih tau klo cewe ga slalu perlu ja-im (jaga image) n it's okay to be different sometimes, hihi.... :) cheers n enjoy d pic!

1 komentar:

pietz mengatakan...

PS: This pic of my friend and I were taken in my room. We had a really good time all night and had a good laughs. :)